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Ensoniq Computer Guide
Under Construction

Everything you wanted to know about your Ensoniq sampler and the programs that can assist you on the computer!

How would you like to connectyour EPS/ASR to your computer? Sounds tempting - I mean, look andthe powerful resource your computer is - word processing,spreadsheets, desktop publishing, printing beautiful documents -and then look at your wonderful Ensoniq machine, which makes outof this world sounds, together with soaring digital effects,surround-stereo sound, and wonderous sequencing capability. Amarriage made in heaven?

If you're like the rest of us,you may have found that the link between the computer (PC, Mac,Atari, Amiga, C64, what have you) is not as clear as it seems.First question: after you've installed your MIDI interface, thenwhat? The salesman says buy Performer. What! $400 more! And youcan't even uderstand the EPS/ASR sequencer yet! And this sampleeditor - what's this curve called a waveform - ah, I'll just loopit on the EPS.. while your MIDI cable and MIDI interface liesdormant, with not a shred of valued MIDI data flowing through it.

This article is designed tofamiliarize you with most/if not all computerprograms whichspecifically have to do with the EPS/ASR. There is a lot you cando - there's just so much information in the air, it's easy toget confused,if you know what I mean. (Ever try buying a computerwhen you don't know a thing about them? You know what I mean.)Also, for you many of you Hackertypes, I will state the latestinfo on compatibility (especially on the ASR-10).

Below I've listed all executableprograms I could find that had any relevanceto the Ensoniqsamplers. Sequencers (and the like), looping tools, andotherprograms that don't directly communicate with the EPS/ASRaren't included, the reason being that we want you to use theseprograms right out of the box. The only thing you'll need is acapable computer (PC, Mac, Atari, Amiga,even NeXt!) and a solidMIDI interface. I've contacted the programmers/writers/distributors,and the information/prices/availability is as up to date as Icould get it. Most of these programs have had extensivereviewswritten already, so I've referenced them for more information. Toget back issues of the Hacker, just call the Hacker (503-227-6848).

IBM Ensoniq MIDI-DISK Tools | Epsilon | SampleVision | Ensoniq Disk Manager and other Utilities | EPSDisk | SoundVert | Awave | EPS READ/WRITE | EPSPC | EPSWave | EPS-Sense
Mac Peak | Alchemy | EPSm | scEPSi | Other Terje Utilities
Atari Disk Wizard | Avalon
Amiga Disk Extractor
SampleVisionWavesample editor
Turtle Beach Systems 52 Grumbacher Rd, York, PA XXXXX(717)757-2348
Jan. '90 Transoniq Hacker
This is a very useful program, for a couple of reasons. Best is the ability to transfer samples from other samplers. Almost every sampler has a connection(driver) to Samplevision. All you have to do is borrow/find a sampler in which you want sounds, transfer them into Samplevision (which holds 'em by it's own propietary format), and then transfer them to the EPS/ASR. Samplevisioneven has a utility that converts sounds made on Sound Designer (.dig) toSamplevision format (.smp). So there are places where you can download sounds in .smp or .dig format, giving you a great resource for new sounds.

The editing capability is good - the advantage over working at the EPS/ASR is that you can see the waveform. You can loop, normalize gain, cut and paste,along with most of the things the EPS/ASR can do. What it uniquely can do is digital equalization. If you have Soundblaster (or compatible), you can play these samples through and see what they sound like. Of course, this isn't with the envelopes and filtering of the EPS/ASR, but you can fine tune the equalization this way, and get it perfect with the Filtering/enveloping of the EPS/ASR.

Presently Turtle Beach is working on a Windows version of the product, which should include an ASR-10 driver. Due date is middle-to-end of the summer '94. Presently you can use the 16-Plus driver, but it is subject to problems.

PROS: Cross compatibility, digital equalization, waveform display, soon-to-be Windows version
CONS: EPS/ASR can do most of what Samplevision can, and quicker and easier

Parameter Editor/WaveformDisplayer

Author: Donna Murray, JeffreyRichter

Available through: RubberChicken Software Co., 4118 SW 61st Ave, Davie, FL 3314 (800)8-PRO-EPS

Reviewed in the Aug. '89Transoniq Hacker

This program gives you amonitor's look at the EPS/ASR parameters. Did you ever want toget away from the EPS/ASR's small 22-character display? This isthe way to do it. Covers all the pages: envelopes, filters,waves, etc. Even effects. Unfortunatly, the program is just DOS-windowbased; nopull-down menus or mouse support. It can also view thewaveform, but don't let that fool you. You can't edit it at all -but it's sure neat to see it.

If you're a programmer even inthe slightest degree, this program will be useful for you. Ifyou're going just edit one parameter, maybe not, but we seeeverybody craving what the Roland samplers have, and we everybodyseems to indicate to Ensoniq that it'd be cool to have a jack fora monitor on their keyboards. This is it.

PRO's: Access to most of the EPS/ASR'sparameters, fast operation

CON's: Since not too many peopleprogram their sounds, maybe it's not necessary

EPS-SenseMIDI Parameter Editor
Turtle Beach Systems 52 Grumbacher Rd, York, PA XXXXX(717)757-2348
Jan. '90 Transoniq Hacker
This is a very useful program, for a couple of reasons. Best is the ability to transfer samples from other samplers. Almost every sampler has a connection(driver) to Samplevision. All you have to do is borrow/find a sampler in which you want sounds, transfer them into Samplevision (which holds 'em by it's own propietary format), and then transfer them to the EPS/ASR. Samplevisioneven has a utility that converts sounds made on Sound Designer (.dig) toSamplevision format (.smp). So there are places where you can download sounds in .smp or .dig format, giving you a great resource for new sounds.

The editing capability is good - the advantage over working at the EPS/ASR is that you can see the waveform. You can loop, normalize gain, cut and paste,along with most of the things the EPS/ASR can do. What it uniquely can do is digital equalization. If you have Soundblaster (or compatible), you can play these samples through and see what they sound like. Of course, this isn't with the envelopes and filtering of the EPS/ASR, but you can fine tune the equalization this way, and get it perfect with the Filtering/enveloping of the EPS/ASR.

Presently Turtle Beach is working on a Windows version of the product, which should include an ASR-10 driver. Due date is middle-to-end of the summer '94. Presently you can use the 16-Plus driver, but it is subject to problems.

PROS: Cross compatibility, digital equalization, waveform display, soon-to-be Windows version
CONS: EPS/ASR can do most of what Samplevision can, and quicker and easier
  • Parameter Editor/Remote Control/Programming Assistant
  • Author: Rubber Chicken Software Co.
  • Available through: Rubber Chicken Software Co., 714 5th Street SE, Willmar, MN 56201, 320-235-9798
  • Not Reviewed Until Now
  • This program, available in Windows, takes EPS-SENSE's concept and takes it further. This program is available for all Ensoniq samplers, and hascapability to edit effects, run the sequencer, and even has a MIDI keyboard in place so you can play the EPS/ASR from the computer while you're editing. Many automated feature beyond EPS-SENSE's capabilities are included. There is no in-computer sample-editing, but the program can control the EPS/ASR to remote control it's capabilities.
  • PRO's: Access to more the EPS/ASR's parameters, mouse and Windows operation,neat accessories.
  • CON's: Since not too many people program their sounds, maybe it's not necessary
EnsoniqDisk Manager - Original, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • EPS File/PC File Converter
  • Available through: Giebler Enterprises, 26 Crestview Drive, Phoenixville,PA 19460 (610)933-0332
  • Reviewed in various Transoniq Hackers
  • Function: put an EPS/ASR floppy into a PC floppy drive - it will read it, and convert the floppy/file/sequence file into a PC file. This is the high point of this program - the ability to store EPS/ASR instruments/disksas files on a PC-formatted hard drive. Application: Sound organization, backup(if you have a large, large, hard drive or especially if you have a tape drive). Copying and formatting are fast and easy to do, making life easy for third-party programmers (me). You can also analyze the disk sectors, and actually see what's on the floppy. This program has made it possible for samples to be uploaded/downloaded on certain networks.
  • Perhaps more importantly, the module addition EPSSMF translates EPS/ASR sequence files to Standard MIDI files, and back again. With the huge amount of SMF files around, this opens up a enormous world of songs for you.
  • PRO's: Works with ASR-10's HD disks, translates sequence files, easy backuponto a PC tape drive, good for sound organization - handy for network use
  • CON's: Other ways of backing up data, EPS/ASR can copy disks too
EPS-Wave- Original EPS
  • Waveform Displayer
  • Author: Richard Robinson
  • Available through: Online FTP- INTERNET:[email protected]/pub/eps/utils/msdos
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • This is very simple shareware program, written by a guy in Seattle awhile ago. He planned on doing more with it, but I've never heard of him again (maybe I will now). This simply beams the waveform of the wavesample you've selected onto the screen. Does nothing - it's just for enjoyment. It is, by the way, neater and faster than EPS-SENSE in doing the same thing. Get it - show off to your friends and family.
  • PRO's: Fast clean displaying of wavesample waveform
  • CON's: Doesn't do anything
EPSREAD,EPSWRITE - Original, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • EPS floppy Disk reader/writer
  • Author: Goh King Wha
  • Source: Online- FTP ftp.oak.oakland.edu:/eps/utilities
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • These free utilities simply exchanges data of an EPS floppy whith an imagefile on the computer. Only for 800 kB DD/DS floppies. The image format '.gkh' is named after the author, and is the chosen standard for the INTERNET eps/asrmailing list.
  • PRO's: Saves EPS Floppies to PC Files, FREE, simple. Useful on networks.
  • CON's: Doesn't reject ASR-10 HD's.
EPSPCOriginal, 16-Plus?, ASR-10?
  • EPS Disk/PC File Converter
  • Author: Steve Bey
  • Available through: Online- CompuServe MIDI/Music Forum library
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • This does the exact same thing as Gieblers EDM, except that it only savesdisks, and not individual files. It is freeware, though, so it's got somethinggoing for it. It's in DOS-window, with mouse support (!)
  • PRO's: Saves EPS Disks to PC Files, mouse support, free
  • CON's: Can't save individual instruments, doesn't work with ASR-10 hi-dsty's,not popular with the networks
EPSDiskOriginal,16-Plus, ASR-10
  • EPS File/PC File Converter
  • Author: Michael Chen
  • Available through: Online FTP - INTERNET:[email protected]/pub/eps/utils/msdos
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • This versatile program can read/write individual files, read and write ASR-10 high-density's (as well as a special bigger format of 800k disks), and runs off the DOS command prompt. It is popular with networks (saves to .gkh files). You can analyze and check diskettes, and display the directorycontents as well. The author claims a higher read rate for larger memoryinstruments, due to his formatting scheme.
  • PRO's: Popular with networks, Individual file support, runs off DOS comman (for you DOS junkies), fast format
  • CON's: A bit vague to beginners, not graphic like Giebler's EDM
AIFF2EFEandEFE-AIFF Original, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • .AIFF to EPS instrument converter
  • Author: Terje Finstad, Vetlandsvn. 85, 0685 Oslo 6, NORWAY
  • (e-mail INTERNET:[email protected])
  • Source: Online - FTP oak.oakland.edu:/eps/utilities
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • AIFF is a standard file format for audio and samples used by many pro and semi pro sound production programs particularly for the Mac and Amiga. This program takes the AIFF and turns it into .EFE file format. Use: JupiterSystems puts out a looping tool, that is supposed loop anything (see Nov. '93 Hacker front page), but it can't communicate with the EPS/ASR. But it does use, and saves, to the .AIF format. Bundled with that program, this can do lot's of good. If you don't have a sample editor that can transfer samples to your sampler this program is useful. If one need to transfer many and/or long samples this way of transferring samples is useful. If one need to transfer many and/or longsamples this way oftransferring samples is much faster than Midi. The TS10/12 owner can not transfer samples by Midi, so building up an instrument with software is the only way these guys can make their own instruments from scratch. Some TS10/12 guys can sample with a soundcard or can use sample files from other samplers,use
  • soundsynthesis software etc. In those cases they need a program like AIF2EFEto transfer samples.
  • PRO's: Makes certain programs valuable with the EPS/ASR/TS
  • CON's: Cooks the toast more on one side
SoundVert1.03Original, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • .WAV File/PC File Converter
  • Author: Tim Dorcas
  • Available through: oak.oakland.edu/pub/eps/utils/msdos, CompuServe MIDI/Music Forum
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • If you ever wanted the .WAV files off your computer to run on your EPS/ASR,this is the program you want. Quickly and easily changes a .wav file to a Giebler format (.efe, .efa, .eda, or .efa), so it can be written to an EPS/ASRformatted diskette. Also provides quick conversion to SampleVision, and SV to Giebler format. Converts and transfers stereo waves as well. The author is now working on SoundVert 2.0, which will include full editing of all ASR/TSparameters from disk, adding more conversion utilities, and the ability to format and write Ensoniq EPS/ASR disks. In Windows, very nicely done.
  • PRO's: Saves .wav's to SampleVision & EPS/ASR easily and quickly.
  • CON's: Needs Giebler (for now) - what if it could write a .wav direct to disk?
MAC Alchemy - Original, 16-Plus
  • Wavesample Editor
  • Author & Source: Passport, 100 Stone Pine Rd, Half Moon Bay,CA 94019,
  • (800)545-0775
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • Many consider this to be the Rolls Royce of sample editors for the Macintosh.Alchemy is more extensive in features than Sound Designer II to be describe separately below, but it's representations appear to some more 'hacker' oriente than audio/sound engineer oriented. For a long time it was way ahead of sampleeditor implementations for the PC. It has a well designed support forcommunication with a 'network' of different samplers over Midi and/or SCSI. It has all the basic functions and features one should expect for a sampleeditor such as: cut,copy,paste, fade in/out, gain change. In addition samplescan be shaped by arbitrary amplitude envelopes or dynamically tuned by frequencyenvelopes. They can be EQ'ed by standard filters or - which is special- byfilters where the number of frequency bands are only limited by Nyquistfrequency, file size and computer memory. It does Xfades and Xfading of loops. The latter operations are done simultanously on the Mac and on the EPS (by instructing
  • the EPS to do it's part).One can output sound to a Mac sound card for off line monitoring of samples.
  • Right now Passport is again distributing the program, but additional drivers(such as one for the ASR-10) will probably not be written. You never know though. With ASR_SCSI, this program can be useful to a ASR-10 owner.
  • PRO's: Communicate with a sample network, SCSI transfer of samples.
  • CON's: In need of an update
Sound Designer - Original,16-Plus
  • Wavesample Editor
  • Available through: Digidesign, XXX, (415)688-0600
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • Some features: Has good implementation of features one by now expect from a sample editor - Cut, Copy, Paste, Mix, Merge, FadeIn/Out, Gain Change,samplerate converion, TimeCompression/Expansion, Graphical Equalization(frequency filters), Convenient Loop Editor and Good graphical FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), some Synthesis algorithms like Karpus-Strong which areeffective for plucked instruments. You need to find an old version; DigiDesignhas dropped support for external samplers for all their current products.
  • PRO's: SCSI transfer of samples, excellent graphics
  • CON's: Transfer of samples only possible in old versions. This is left out in the newer versions. Separate program for different soundcard hardware.
  • Some are not 32 bit clean. Some do not work with virtual memory. Some have problems with the copy protection scheme and damaged key disk replacement policy.
TurboSynth - Original, 16-Plus?,ASR-10?
  • Sound Synthesis Program
  • Author & Source: Digidesign
  • Reviewed in XXX,'XX
  • Many love this software for synthesizing samples. That is it's strength. It is a very powerful and elegant graphically patchable synthezizer. It can also send samples to different samplers over Midi (and/or SCSI). Newer/currentversions have skipped support for samplers. The sample editing capabilities are a little on the weak side for using this program as your only sample editor, but it could function as such.
  • PRO's: SCSI transfer of samples, Powerful sample generation and manipulation.
  • CON's: Weak sample editing, 32 bit unclean, No virtual memory. Requires sound hardware on the Mac.
Infinity - Original, 16-Plus,ASR-10
  • Looping Tool, Wavesample Editor
  • Author & Source: Jupiter Systems, P.O. Box 697, Applegate, CA 95703
  • (800)446-2356
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • PRO's: Communicate with a sample network, SCSI transfer of samples.
  • CON's: In need of an update
ASR_SCSI - Original, 16-Plus,ASR-10
  • AIFF-TO-EPS/ASR MIDI/SCSI Communicator
  • Author: Steven Berkly
  • Source: Jupiter Systems, P.O. Box 697, Applegate, CA 95703
  • (800)446-2356
  • Not Reviewed (until now)
  • PRO's: Communicate with a sample network, SCSI transfer of samples.
  • CON's: In need of an update
Tiresias Original, 16-Plus?
  • Parameter Editor
  • Author: Chip Burwell, Bokonan Technologies
  • Available from: Online - CompuServe MIDI/Music Forum Library (Demo only)
  • Reviewed in Dec.'90 Transoniq Hacker
  • Remote control parameter editor for the EPS; much like EPS-SENSE, but with mouse support - even of the envelopes! No sample editing is available;however, access to all of the Original EPS's parameters is available. 16-Plusversion has not been tried.
  • PRO's: Fast, easy,intuitive
  • CON's: Subjectively the 'big picture' overview lacks.
EPSm Original, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • File conversions, etc.
  • Author: Terje Finstad, Vetlandsvn. 85, 0685 Oslo 6, NORWAY (e-mail: [email protected])
    Available from: Rubber Chicken Software Co. www.chickensys.com
    Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • Terje Finstad is a productive programmer who has developed a fair amount of small utilities for translating files between various formats. EPSm is the 'largest of these' and it can read and write EPS and ASR disks and make Mac files. This is useful for storage, backup, and instrument building in case you're adventerous and have an TS-10/12, which as said before, can't create instruments. The rest of his programs are described below (most of them can deal with both EPS and ASR disks)
  • KRZ2SD1, K20000 to AIFF Converter
  • This will take K2000 files, turn them into AIFF files, which EPSm can turn into files the EPS/ASR can read.
  • SMAC, Roland (S330, S50, S550, W30) to AIFF Converter
  • Same as above, except with Roland samplers. Go for it!
  • EPSmINIT, aDownloader
  • These are programs designed to help the above programs work with System 6.
Ensoniq Disk Extractor Software+mac+downloadscEPSi
  • Original, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • EPS File/Mac File Converter
  • Author: Steve W. Berkley with Ensoniq
  • Available from:
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • This software is free to the public and has been sponsored by Ensoniq.
  • This is particularly great for managing your Ensoniq formatted SCSI harisk or cartridges by your Macintosh. You can move files around on the harisk without increasing the fragmentation. The file move can be done whilecorrecting all the influenced banks. You can search, generate reports and make backups and other file maintenance tasks. The program awaits a softwarerevision to the Ensoniq OS for launching instruments. One can read ASR floppies,(not 16+ floppies), and save instruments to a Mac disk. You can save samples to Mac (but not load these samples again). It is also great for getting a quick overview of the content of the SCSI disk as well as the structure of instruments.
  • PRO's: Archieving, Ensoniq Hard disk Management
  • CON's: None!
stEPS Original, 16-Plus,ASR-10
  • Instrument builder
  • Author: Terje Finstad, Vetlandsvn. 85, 0685 Oslo 6, NORWAY (e-mail
  • INTERNET:[email protected])
  • Source: Sus&Vreng
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • Speeds up some of the routine tasks in building instruments. Operates on a collection of samples and outputs an instrument. This is done by applying a template file to the collection. Any instrument can be saved as a template for later use. stEPS also import and exports samples in a number of formats. It is also a good tool for getting the 'big picture' overview over how aninstrument is buildt up with pitch tables, effects layers and wavesamples. This can be of value for the beginner, otherwise it is a program for the more experienced sound builder. The operation of stEPS is scriptable. Howeverthere are no script editors available for sound producers and the cost to hire a programmer to make one would probably kill such a concept.
  • PRO: Fast instrument building, Consistency in modulation and variations
  • CON: If used heavily your instrument building will be accused of lacking fantasy.
ATARI Avalon - Original EPS, 16-Plus,ASR-10
  • Wavesample Editor
  • Author & Source: Steinberg/Jones
  • Not ever Reviewed (until now)
  • The program is very powerful. It has four sample banks with eight samples per bank. There are two editors, Time and Frequency. In the Time Domain editor is where you can define a block, save, copy, erase, etc. The block can be fitered too. Six fiter types are provided, Lowpass, Lowpass Shelving, Peak,Notch, Highpass and Highpass Shelving. The cutoff and bandwidth frequency can be set. Up to eight loops can be set, two of which are Sustain and Release.Eight markers can be set for your own reference. An Optimize sample which enable you to amplify or dampen a sample. Useful for amplifying a sample. The Time Correction module allows lengthening or shortening without changing the pitch of the block or sample.
  • The Frequency Domain editor plots time/amplitude/frequency in a graphic or spectrogram. For real hardcore hackers. A series of macros may be used in this editor: Spectral Animation, Time Plexer(echoes), Pitch Shifter, FrequencyMixer(add harmonics), Peak Limiter and plus a few others. The Synthesis Page is where you can connect and route your sample through envelopes, modulators,filters, effects, mixer, etc. It's a do it yourself ASR-10!
  • That's a quick tour thru Avalon! It does have cross fade loops but there is no 'bowtie cross' fade that like in the EPS/ASR but it might be refered to under a different name or something. The new version doesn't run under Geneva, or the new Multitasking program from Gribnif Software, but Avalon v2.0 did. Steinberg/Jones said that they will look at it.
  • (mini-review by Bill Turczyski)
  • PROS: Very powerful waveform editor, many features and most important of all, the only one for an Atari ST.
  • CONS: No SCSI EPS/ASR driver(MIDI only), won't run under Geneva, doesn't read 'pitch range' from the EPS/ASR.
EZE (Original,16-Plus, ASR-10)
  • EPS/ASR Parameter Editor
  • Author: Gelva Software, P.O Box 631, Double Bay 2028, AUSTRALIA
  • Available from: ?
  • Reviewed in Dec. '89, March '90 Transoniq Hacker, Interface Letter April, 1994
  • This was flamed by Mike Mortilla in the Hacker review, but a recent letter in the Interface caught my eye (April, '94) - perhaps the program was improved.It was reviewed on a 1040ST, but according to the letter, it seems to run fine under FALCON. Everything is graphic, including the envelopes (cool!) It works with the Original EPS the best, but it also works with the othersamplers. Not many are available.
  • PRO's: Graphic control of enevelopes, graphic display, works with 16-Plus and ASR-10
  • CON's: Not many available, EPS/ASR has a great interface despite the22-characters
MzPatch (EPS,16-Plus?, ASR-10?)

Ensoniq Disk Tools Free Download

  • Wavesample Editor
  • Author: Mr. Zetterquist
  • Available from: Maartists (who no longer exist)
  • Reviewed in the Sept. '90 Transoniq Hacker
  • This is an editor that remotely controls the EPS's wavesample functions,allowing you to visually edit the wavesamples, loop them, and change the EPS's parameters as well. You can even store your own evelope templates. Nice combination program. If you have an Atari, this is definitely the thing to get, if you can get it. As mentioned, I don't know where it can be had (yet).
  • PRO's: No wave transfers, total remote control - easy to use
  • CON's: Could be more complete, tacky icons
Disk Wizard
  • EPS, 16-Plus, ASR-10
  • Atari/EPS Disk Manager
  • Author: Steve Quartly
  • Available from: Online FTP- [email protected]
  • Reviewed in the Nov. '92 Transoniq Hacker
  • Again, a file utility for the Atari. Allows you to store EPS/ASR files on an Atari, print labels, disk formatting, and database cataloging. Uses the same format as the EDM so exchnging can be done.
  • PRO's: Handy, easy to use, EDM-compatible
  • CON's: If you need it, there aren't any!
AMIGA GenWave (OriginalEPS?, 16-Plus?,ASR-10?)

Wavesample Editor

Author & Source: IntervalMusic Systems 12335 Santa Monica Blvd #244, Los Angeles, CA 90025(310)-478-3956

Not ever Reviewed (until now)


PRO's: ***************

CON's: ***************

Amiga DiskManager (Original,16-Plus)
  • EPS File/PC File Converter
  • Author: Timo Rossi
  • Source: Online FTP- [email protected] /pub/eps/utils/msdos, Aminet INTERNETFTP site, Aminet CDROM
  • Not Ever Reviewed (until now)
  • Simple file reader of EPS - it only reads the files on an Ensoniq disk, it can't decode the file formats. The author wrote it when he tried to use a friend's EPS16+ for digiziting some samples for the Amiga. He might awrite capability in the future. It is freeware (freely distributable copyrighte software).
  • PRO's: Ability to get EPS-sampled waves into the Amiga.
  • CON's: More of a utility for the Amiga than for the EPS, since you can't get the waves back.
NeXT EPS-TAR (Original EPS, 16-Plus,ASR-10)
  • Ensoniq SCSI hard disk management
  • Author & Source: Brian Willoughby, email:[email protected]
  • [email protected], Sound Software, Bellevue, WA
  • Not ever Reviewed (until now)

Rubber Chicken Softwarehas the finest in computer software made exclusively for yoursampler!

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The ASR-X is Ensoniq'snewest sampler, and we've got THE editingprogram for it! Provides editing for any aspect of an ASR-X sound.Features:

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  • Editing directly to disk
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  • Translating EPS/ASR-10 sounds with your own customizable parameters
  • Translate full hard drives and CD-ROM with one batch command
  • and more!

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For more information aboutEnsoniq ASR-X Tools .. ASR-XTools Page
For other informationrelating to the ASR-X .. ASR-X Products Page

ParameterEditing and Disk Utility Software for the Ensoniq EPS/ASR Series

Our flagship program, this offertotal control from the PC within the Windows environment from thePC. Are you tired of your Ensoniq EPS/ASR's 22-character display?Well - NO MORE! check out Ensoniq MIDI/Disk Tools for WindowsTMediting software available that allows you to view everythingthat's going on inside the EPS/ASR and view what you're doing onyour PC computer screen. Not only that, MIDI-Disk Toolsgives you full disk control of your volumes - floppy or SCSI! Forrunning your EPS/ASR, for programming, for organization - evenfor little things like naming wavesamples and layers - EnsoniqMIDI/Disk Tools for WindowsTM will help youwork with your EPS/ASR.

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In short, if you want to connectyour IBM/PC or compatible up to your EPS/ASR, Ensoniq MIDI/DiskToolsTM is the program to get!

Ensoniq MIDI-Disk Tools 3.5 forWindows . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59.95!

DEMO available! - Try this out!
We sell the Disk Utilities section of MIDI-Disk Tools seperately as Ensoniq Disk Tools

For more information.. EnsoniqMIDI-Disk Tools Page

Disk UtilitySoftware for the Ensoniq EPS/ASR samples

Take full control of yourEnsoniq-formatted floppies and SCSI Devices. Turn your PCinto a sampling powerhouse! With the .WAV or AIFF samples you canmake with your sound card inside your computer, you can make yourown custom instruments and edit their parameters!

As the disk utility section ofour popular Ensoniq MIDI-Disk Tools, the easy drag-and-dropinterface allows you to simply drag the .WAV files across thescreen, to the instrument you want to build. Plus the added .WAVPlayer allows you to audition your instruments immediately.

Main Features:

  • Onscreen display and complete information of .WAV-AIFF files, Ensoniq Disk Images & File Images, Banks, Song/Sequences, Standard MIDI Files, Effects, Layers, and Wavesamples.
  • Full building from scratch of Instruments, Banks, Sequences, File Images, and Disk Images using .WAV-AIFF files and other means.
  • Full creation and partial deletion of any portion of a Disk, File, Layer, Wavesample
  • Sound Card audition of .WAV files and Ensoniq wavesamples
  • Full Floppy and SCSI read/write/format support
  • Support for reading Ensoniq-format CD-ROM's on any CD-ROM drive
  • Many helpful Disk Utilities
  • Audio-Track support - convert to/from .WAV-AIFF files
  • Direct-to-disk parameter modification
  • Unformatter option allows you to recover erased or formatted-over files
  • Context-Sensitive Help File
  • Testing of File Image (.EFE, .EFA, and .INS) files for validity.

Ensoniq Disk Tools 2.2 forWindows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95!

For more information.. EnsoniqDisk Tools Page

EPS/ASR VisualEditing System™ (EAVES™) for Mac™ OS

Ensoniq Disk Extractor Software+mac+download

EPS/ASR MIDIParameter Editing Software for the Mac

Finally a MIDI parameter editoris available for the MacintoshTM - EAVESTM(EPS/ASR Visual Editing SystemTM). Beloware some features:

  • Full parameter editing - for all Ensoniq samplers
  • Graphic Envelope editing
  • Visual Wave viewing - information stored in an AIFF file
  • Colorful graphics
  • Easy to use

Edit any parameter - and convertwavesamples to AIFF files through MIDI! Available EXCLUSIVELY throughRubber Chicken Software Company!

EPS/ASR Visual Editing System (EAVES). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59.95!

For more information.. EAVES Page

WaveBoy™Effects disks

Rubber Chicken now distributesWaveBoy's entire line of effects algorithms for the 16-Plus/ASR -The VoderTM,RezFilterTM, Audio-In/Time DicerTM, ParallelEffects DiskTM,Soniq Demolition DiskTM, 44khzCompressorTM, Tempo Sync'd DelayTM.

For more information.. EffectsHome Page

And for further information..

Free Software Mac

Check out TheEnsoniq/Computer Guide - a complete guidebook for all available computersoftware for the Ensoniq sampler line, and what it does.

Download a Demo today!

Ensoniq Disk Tools

Last updated onOctober 16, 2002